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"Chapter 1: AMISS" is the first episode of the horror television series Silent Hill: Ascension.


Hope's Junction, Pennsylvania[]

Joy Cirelli and Rachel Hernandez, members of a religious foundation in Hope's Junction, Pennsylvania, attempt a ceremony. The ritual goes awry when Joy has sudden doubts, which inadvertently summons a creature[Note 1] that fatally attacks her. Afterwards, the Foundation leader Xavier Candless and devoted member Krista Lee interrogate Rachel on the incident. The coroner ruled Joy's death as natural causes as she had died from an aneurysm. Xavier believes the creature may have been a blessing from their deity, the Purifier, while Krista holds her responsible for Joy's death. Regardless, Rachel is to testify before their leaders about the incident so they can pursue judgement with Xavier advised her to speak the truth.

Shortly after, Rachel's husband, Eric, informs Joy's brother Toby of her demise and hands him a Foundation prayer written by Rachel. Toby rejects his condolences, and while intoxicated, hallucinates his sister goading him into attacking the Foundation as retribution for her demise. Later, Rachel tells Eric of Joy's true cause of death and the creature during the ritual. She sees creatures in her home and urgently evacuates her family to a safehouse. There, Faith is comforted by Rachel and Xavier with stories from The Foundation to appease her temper, Rachel is worried for her family's safety as she alone is believed to have been chosen by The Purifier to be its protector.

Before senior members of the Foundation, Rachel is interrogated about Joy's death and her visions. After given answers, Barbara determines that a dark supernatural phenomenon called "the Withering" is occurring within the town, shocking everyone in the room. It is determined that Rachel needs to perform a ritual with another person that has a strong bond to her as a necessary step needed to end it.

Stilledalen, Norway[]

In Stilledalen, Norway, an elderly farmer named Karl Johansen argues with his bedridden wife Ingrid, but is interrupted by a noise from outside. He leaves the house to investigate and is seemingly attacked by monsters roaming the yard. The illusion dissipates and Karl returns to find his wife dead in the bedroom. Soon, their daughter Astrid discovers her body and mourns her loss. Karl calls for the ambulance, Astrid discovers a syringe and suspects her father of euthanising Ingrid due to the fact that Ingrid's doctor did not prescribe injections as part of her treatment. Shortly after, the paramedics and detective Olivia Haugen arrives to question them about Ingrid and announced that they will get results of her cause of death from Ingrid's autopsy.

Astrid examines the syringe and finds traces of morphine which is not prescribed in Ingrid's medications. She confronts Karl about her findings and suspects him of murder. Karl reaffirms his innocence and urges her to let the matter go. Later, she calls Haugen and notifies her of her findings though it's insufficient to act as incriminating evidence. Haugen tries to coerce a confession out of Karl but fails as he noticed her ploy.





  1. Referred to in promotional material as "the Entangler".
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Major Characters
Astrid Johansen - Brit Johansen - Eric Hernandez - Karl Johansen - Rachel Hernandez - Toby Cirelli - Xavier Candless
Other Characters
Aurora - Barbara - Eva Johansen - Faith Hernandez - Ingrid Johansen - Joy Cirelli - Krista Lee - Lejo Kant - Mette Dahl - Nils Grønbekk - Nora Jackson - Olivia Haugen - Orson Johansen - Zayn Davies
Crawler - Fighter - Hanger - Snarler - Stinger - The Bruiser - The Collector - The Entangler - The Immolator - The Smotherer - Wanderer
Hope's Junction - Stilledalen
Monster - Fog World - Otherworld - Paul Radcliffe - The Foundation - The Heralds - The Purifier - The Withering
Episodes - Story Branches - Cameos - Arcane Library - Soundtrack
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Episode list
Chapter 1: AMISS · Chapter 2: BLIGHT · Chapter 3: PENANCE · Chapter 4: SEVERANCE · Chapter 5: VANISHED · Chapter 6: FRACTURED · Chapter 7: QUALMS · Chapter 8: VISION · Chapter 9: DECEIT · Chapter 10: REGRET · Chapter 11: RIGHT · Chapter 12: WRONG · Chapter 13: CONSUMED · Chapter 14: REVELATION · Chapter 15: PURSUIT · Chapter 16: JUDGMENT · Chapter 17: SANCTUARY · Chapter 18: ENSNARED · Chapter 19: IGNITED · Chapter 20: REPENTANCE · Chapter 21: ASCENSION