"Chapter 5: VANISHED" is the fifth episode of the horror television series Silent Hill: Ascension.
Hope's Junction, Pennsylvania[]
At the Steel Mill, Toby joins Xavier, Barbara, and Rachel in performing the sacrifice that is needed to stop the phenomena. Rachel is tasked with performing the ritual but senses something goes wrong. They are transported to the Otherworld where Toby urges Rachel to finish the ritual but Rachel is reluctant to follow through. Toby forces Rachel to stab him in the stomach, killing him. His finger is recovered by another creature of the Otherworld, known as The Collector.
Following the ceremony, the members realise that the phenomena still persists and questions on what else needed to be done. Barbara and Krista leave to find other ways to stop the phenomena. Following Rachel and Xavier's conversation, Faith suddenly disappears from the Foundation much to the pair's confusion. Rachel leaves the building and tries to contact Eric but fails, leaving her alone on the search. During her search, Rachel encounters a man who lost his dog, the man recognises her from the cult and informs her that he lost his wife to the Foundation due to her strong belief that the cult could cure her disease. Rachel confessed that she is not sure on whether to believe in their teachings anymore. Shortly after, the man is lured by the sound of his dog, only to be mauled to death by an Otherworld creature. Rachel runs away and returns back to the Foundation, asking Xavier for help and blames herself on Faith's disappearance. Xavier advises Rachel to ask Eric for help in the search.
At the laundromat, Eric is contacted by Toby who asks him to buy everyone their drinks and deliver his last message to the townsfolk. Eric ventures to the bar where he delivers the message and inadvertently encounters Krista who offers to return the favour. They are reunited in the laundromat but is suddenly transported to the Otherworld where Eric is viciously attacked.
Stilledalen, Norway[]
At the farm house, Astrid discovers of Karl and Mette's relationship and is apprehensive of her father's action, following Ingrid's funeral preparation but decides to not pursue the matter. Afterwards, Astrid asks Karl to watch Orson and not let him see Ingrid's desecrated corpse. At the funeral, Astrid chooses to be direct and truthful in regards to her speech about Ingrid, Orson wants to see her body but Karl sternly reprimands him. Shortly after, Orson mysteriously disappears from the funeral in the midst of dense fog, Astrid frantically tries to search for him.
In the forest, Astrid alongside Karl search for Orson, she questions him on his last known whereabouts but Karl is adamant that he was sitting next to him. Karl separates from Astrid to widen the search. Alone, Astrid is led on by Ingrid's apparition who offers to guide her to Orson but finds nothing. Shortly, the pair is reunited alongside other funeral goers who offers to help in the search. However, they find themselves separated from the group and attacked by Otherworld creatures. The pair runs away, only to bump into Brit Johansen who had offered to help in the search.
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Characters |
Major Characters |
Astrid Johansen - Brit Johansen - Eric Hernandez - Karl Johansen - Rachel Hernandez - Toby Cirelli - Xavier Candless |
Other Characters |
Aurora - Barbara - Eva Johansen - Faith Hernandez - Ingrid Johansen - Joy Cirelli - Krista Lee - Lejo Kant - Mette Dahl - Nils Grønbekk - Nora Jackson - Olivia Haugen - Orson Johansen - Zayn Davies |
Monsters |
Crawler - Fighter - Hanger - Snarler - Stinger - The Bruiser - The Collector - The Entangler - The Immolator - The Smotherer - Wanderer |
Locations |
Hope's Junction - Stilledalen |
Terms |
Monster - Fog World - Otherworld - Paul Radcliffe - The Foundation - The Heralds - The Purifier - The Withering |
Archives |
Episodes - Story Branches - Cameos - Arcane Library - Soundtrack |
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Episode list |
Chapter 1: AMISS · Chapter 2: BLIGHT · Chapter 3: PENANCE · Chapter 4: SEVERANCE · Chapter 5: VANISHED · Chapter 6: FRACTURED · Chapter 7: QUALMS · Chapter 8: VISION · Chapter 9: DECEIT · Chapter 10: REGRET · Chapter 11: RIGHT · Chapter 12: WRONG · Chapter 13: CONSUMED · Chapter 14: REVELATION · Chapter 15: PURSUIT · Chapter 16: JUDGMENT · Chapter 17: SANCTUARY · Chapter 18: ENSNARED · Chapter 19: IGNITED · Chapter 20: REPENTANCE · Chapter 21: ASCENSION |