Silent Hill Wiki
Silent Hill Wiki

She's scared! She's doing what most children do and is acting out! Taking her fear and turning it into anger...
—Nora prompting Rachel to intervene with Faith.

Faith Hernandez is a character appearing in Silent Hill: Ascension. She is the young daughter of Rachel Hernandez and Eric Hernandez, and was named after her parents' hopes for overcoming the tragedies in their lives. After her mother becomes involved in the gradual corruption of Hope's Junction by the Otherworld, Faith is targeted by the sect of the Heralds to inflict greater despair on Rachel.



Faith grew up mostly attached to her father Eric, as Rachel spent more time at the local religion's hall than with her family. Her temper tantrums would often be handled by Eric only, while Faith harbored some resentment towards her mother for her absence and poor treatment of Eric. Despite the shortcomings of her upbringing, Faith grew to be a smart and curious child interested in the Foundation's many teachings.

Silent Hill: Ascension[]

Faith Amiss

Faith in the library.

During a ritual under Rachel's supervision, an acolyte was killed, setting in motion the Withering's takeover of the town. Rachel returned home scared and being pursued by visions of monsters near her, prompting her to take Eric and Faith to the Foundation's hall to spend the night in safety. In order to not scare Faith with the sudden events, Rachel reminded her of a Foundation tale for children about a girl taking refuge in a stone castle with the Purifier, the cult's benevolent deity. With Foundation leader Xavier's reassurance, Faith was able to spend night in peace. The next day, she accompanied her parents to their laundromat business, where she played on the arcade until Rachel asked her to go elsewhere while she talked important matters with Eric. [1]

Faith You Owe Me

Proud of herself.

Another incident took place days later, when the dead acolyte's brother, Toby Cirelli, attacked the Foundation in revenge. The situation held Rachel up at the Foundation for the rest of the day while they discussed what to do with him. When she finally got home, Faith proudly told her that she was scared, but managed to push through the fear because of the stone castle tale. Rachel congratulated her and reminded her of the Purifier's protection before sending her to wait for her in her bedroom. [2]

Faith slap

Faith slaps her mother.

Despite that bonding moment, Rachel's growing entanglement with the Foundation's affairs regarding the Withering made Faith grow more impatient about her neglect. Rachel was asked to submit Faith as the "needle bearer" in Toby's induction ceremony, which Eric was strongly opposed to due to Faith's young age. They argued in the house's living room over the decision until Faith herself appeared, upset about the fight. She demanded Rachel to play with her for once, instead of Eric as always. Rachel scolded her behavior, which Faith called out as what Rachel always did to get her way. Faith then slapped her mother and ran into the basement, where she hid to scare Rachel when she found her. [3]

Faith Vanished

Reading before being kidnapped.

When Toby's induction ceremony took place, Rachel gave into Eric's wishes and decided against having Faith as the needle bearer, although she still attended the ceremony. However, Toby's stay in the Foundation would be brief: Xavier determined him to be the source of the Withering and Hope's Junction and had him sacrifice himself in a severing ritual. Unsure if they were in the clear, the acolytes met again in the Foundation's building, where Faith read a book while the adults discussed what to do next. Barbara, one of the Foundation elders in the meeting and the person who had suggested Rachel to have Faith as the needle bearer, was in actuality a member of the Heralds, a splinter sect of the Foundation working against it. As the meeting was adjourned, Barbara took Faith with her to the woods, leaving a panicked Rachel behind who didn't realize Faith was gone until it was too late. [4][5]

Bruiser drawing

The Bruiser and Faith during her captivity.

While Rachel and Eric went to great lengths to find their daughter, Faith was "re-educated" by Barbara, taking advantage of her neglect grudge and the manipulative, abusive tendencies she had learned from being raised by Rachel. As she depicted in drawings later, she was also fed a root with special properties by Barbara and experienced visions of monsters and the Otherworld around her. With the root and Barbara's influence, Faith was able to develop a supernatural power and a strong mix of hate and fear for her mother. In the meantime, hallucinations of Faith's voice haunted Rachel at the Foundation. [6][7][8]

Faith Reprise

"Faith" returns.

Fooled by Barbara, Rachel carried out a forbidden ritual at the Foundation and cut out her right eye in exchange for seeing Faith again. The ritual seemed to not work and resulted in her being excommunicated from the organization, but as she returned home defeated, she was surprised to find "Faith" safe and sound in her bedroom. "Faith" claimed to be hiding under orders of the Purifier to test Rachel, with the test being to stay inside the house and look out for her, in direct contrast to her neglect earlier on. [9][10]

Faith Sleeping Dogs

Holding Rachel at knifepoint.

The hours went on with Faith acting innocently while asking Rachel questions about her convictions, and after a warming hug following Rachel's promise to stay in the house with her, Faith warned her that the Purifier would kill her if she lost her again. Faith then led Rachel into a game of hide-and-seek, with the mother hiding from the daughter. As Rachel hid under the bed, Faith (in the form of a Snarler) taunted her about always being missing from her life. Rachel, growing wary about the circumstances, tried to convince Faith to leave the house with her, but Faith maintained that they had to stay home, and demanded Rachel tell her a bedtime story. Rachel chose to spend the night with her in bed, but was abruptly awoken in the middle of the night by Faith holding a knife to her throat, about to "cut the bad dreams out" of her mother.

Keeping Faith

Restrained by Snarlers.

Faith continued to apologize for the incident into the next day, begging Rachel to stay in the house for her. Fog rolled in as she said that the Purifier was watching them. With Snarlers entering the house, Faith refused to let Rachel take her out of the house, before being trapped by the monsters' tongues constricting around her torso. Rachel begged her to forgive her and ran away from the house in fear, abandoning the manifestation to die alone. [11]

Faith's Return

Nora brings Faith to her parents.

As Barbara finished her plans with Faith in the woods, she left her in the ruins of the town's steel mill, a place where Rachel, Eric and Toby inadvertently caused a fatal accident that killed several people in a fire. However, Barbara didn't count on Nora Jackson, a former resident of Hope's Junction returning to investigate the death of her brother, crashing her car near the woods and coming across Faith in the steel mill all alone. Faith immediately felt safe with her, and had her accompany her back in town to meet her parents. They reunited outside the Foundation, where Rachel and the cult were clashing before turning their attention to her return. While Faith was happy to see Eric again, she was apprehensive of being near Rachel, seemingly aware of how she abandoned the "Faith" in the house. Her fear of her mother cast doubt on Rachel's trustworthiness, but they were taken inside nevertheless for their safety. [12]

Faith Where I'm Wanted

Drawing at home.

Although Rachel was able to take Faith home with her, the girl resorted to drawing the various scenes and monsters she saw in captivity, and while she interacted with her mother a bit more, she was still disobedient to her orders and rude (obeying and treating Eric nicely, in contrast). As days passed, even Eric became worried of her changed behavior, which finally prompted the parents to action when she recited a Foundation bloodletting prayer while innocuously playing with her dolls. She told them that "the Lady in the Woods" taught her the prayer, but refused to tell them who it was.

Faith Smotherer

Faith and the Smotherer.

The next day, Rachel continued trying to get information from her, unsuccessfully. Faith was drawing herself with the Smotherer, one of the monsters of the Otherworld. A noise led Rachel to the staircase, where she saw the monster itself watching her from the top. Faith, annoyed and without looking in its direction, told it to go away, which it did, much to Rachel's surprise. They were then visited by Xavier with important news for Rachel. He was giving up on fighting the Withering, and wanted to perform the Ascension ritual to save as many people as possible and go to Paradise together. One of the people he chose was Faith, but he gave Rachel the chance to rejoin the Foundation and redeem herself to join them in the ritual. [7]

Faith An Unexpected Plea

Eavesdropping on Krista.

She was later found by Rachel playing with the door to the backyard, swinging it open and closed. Rachel scolded her and sent her away, but as she approached the door, she found the Smotherer outside and shut the door on it. When she tried to talk to Faith about Ascension and being together, Faith complained again about being with her, saying she only wanted to be with Eric and Nora. After telling Rachel that she and Nora hate her, Rachel lost her composure and sent Faith away again, before being distracted by a gap in the front door. The Smotherer screeched at Rachel from the porch, with Faith gleefully smiling at Rachel's struggle to shut the door closed. She continued to be stubborn towards Rachel when acolyte Krista Lee visited the house later, overhearing a conversation about Krista's romantic intentions with Eric.

It Sounds Like Dying

Xavier threatens to kill Rachel.

The next night, Rachel and Faith met Xavier in the woods around the town, to formally reintroduce Rachel in the Foundation. Despite Xavier's reassurance that they would be going to a paradise, Faith was scared of Ascension being death. When Rachel declined joining the cult again, Xavier dropped all pretenses and held a knife to Rachel's throat, ordering her to keep the fearful Faith calm while he carried out the severance. However, Rachel managed to wrestle the knife out of his hand and sliced his finger off, before stabbing him in the gut and killing him in front of Faith. Mother and daughter ran into the woods, but as Rachel entered the Otherworld, Faith got separated from her and escaped on her own to the Foundation's hall. In there, happy to see her father again, she excitedly announced that she was chosen as an Aspirant for Ascension, scaring Krista due to the implications of that decision. As Eric went outside to find Rachel, Faith was left in the care of Krista, who she deeply disliked by then. [13]

We need to talk about Faith

Threatening Krista with a knife.

When Eric returned, he found Faith cornering Krista and threatening her with a knife, daring her to cut her own eye out like Rachel did, to prove that she believed as much as her spiritually. With the supernatural power she had developed in captivity, she influenced Krista to take the knife and hold it to her eye, being only stopped from gouging it out by Eric's intervention. While they calmed down from the situation, Faith returned to drawing at the table, as if nothing had happened. Later, when Rachel came back and found out about it, Faith brought up that Krista wanted to punish her but Eric refused to, making Rachel miss the point of the dangerous event and just focusing on her rival. Around the same time, Krista experienced a vision of the Otherworld, in which she found Faith's corpse alongside the rest of the family. [14]

Faith Crawler drawing

Faith draws a Crawler.

Faith continued to immerse herself in her drawings the next day, with Eric pointing out how it's the only thing that kept her calm, and Krista fearing that Faith was becoming one of the monsters. They continued to discuss Ascension while she ignored them in favor of humming and drawing a Crawler on the floor. As Eric thought, she became restless again when they returned home and she had to seat for dinner, refusing to eat and accusing Krista of not caring about her, just about wanting Eric as a partner. Rachel came up from the basement afterwards, where unbeknownst to them, she had captured Barbara after her identity was revealed. Faith immediately complained more about Krista to her, causing her to make Eric leave for the time being.

By Hallowed Blade

Caught with Barbara.

Eric eventually learned from Rachel about the situation with Barbara, and tried to keep Faith away so that Rachel could deal with the prisoner in the basement. However, when he thought he put Faith to sleep and tried to talk to Rachel about her dangerous tendencies, Faith slipped into the basement and met again with her former captor. The two of them went over Barbara's teachings, and tried to carry out a bloodletting ceremony right there. The prayers were overheard by the parents, who intervened before Faith could slice Barbara's or her own wrists. She was sent upstairs and then taken out of the house until Rachel dealt with Barbara. [15]


Finding shelter in the bar.

Hope's Junction plunged deeper into the fog, which Faith noted as Eric took her to the streets outside. They met with a panicked Krista, who warned that they had to find shelter from the increasing number of monsters hunting them down. They found refuge inside the Silver Pines bar, where Faith was finally reunited with Nora, who was looking over the other survivors mentally afflicted by the Otherworld's influence. As the hours passed, Krista figured that the monsters were hunting Faith in particular, and with the people around them in a poor psychological state, it was unsafe to stay around. The bar was promptly attacked by the Entangler, forcing the group to escape the bar and leave Krista behind. [8]

Eric Stay with Us

Faith hears the monsters coming.

Their next safe place to hide in was the laundromat, where Faith worried that there was no place they wouldn't be found in. As Eric and Nora argued over her wanting to leave them to continue her investigation, Faith was able to hear the "voices" of the monsters nearby, perceiving them to be scared too. The Entangler broke into the laundromat shortly after, leaving them to flee back to the streets and discreetly wander through town for the next hours, trying to avoid the monsters roaming everywhere. Eventually, they found Rachel, who was escaping the Foundation building. Faith stuck with Eric and refused to go along with her mother, but then other acolytes appeared, running away from monsters attacking the Foundation.

Follow Orders 2

Faith controls the monsters.

Faith wandered away from the group and stood in the middle of the street, among the hordes of creatures. Channeling her power, she made them all stop as they tried to attack her, leaving them all under her control. She commanded them all to kneel, including Eric, who had run to save her but was trapped among the monsters. As he refused to kneel, Faith watched the Snarlers turn against him and maul his legs as punishment. While she was telling the adults that she wasn't afraid and they shouldn't be, other people arrived in scene and accused Faith of being the source of the monsters, prompting her to send Stingers to kill them in the spot. She accused Eric of having let that happen, and began reciting fragments of a tale taught to her by Barbara, her voice echoing deeper as her power increased. [16]

Faith Call off your dogs

Faith's eyes become bloodshot.

With Eric trapped in place and everyone else being slaughtered by the monsters on Faith's command, Nora pushed Rachel to intervene and calm Faith down through affection. Rachel managed to put her at ease through a hug and sweet words, things Faith was notably lacking from her as she grew up. As her bloodshot eyes returned to normal, Faith's rampage was stopped, leaving only the many bodies of the victims on the street. The group attempted to return to the Hernandez home, but they came across witnesses of the slaughter in the way. Eric took Faith and headed straight home while Rachel and Nora dealt with them.

Sad about Eric's killings.

Sad about Eric's killings.

Once home, Faith settled down to draw an array of symbols she learned, but was interrupted by voices coming from outside. Despite her saying that she could protect them, Eric took her to the master bedroom upstairs and hid with her just as the strangers broke into the house. Faith worried about having to hurt people again to save themselves, but Eric refused to allow that and hid Faith under the bed while he armed himself. He learned the intruders were sent by Krista to capture Faith, before shooting them both dead. Faith sadly pointed out that Eric was "bad," like her. Knowing they were in danger, Eric and Faith quickly started packing up to leave the town. Rachel arrived and informed them that the witnesses of the slaughter had become Faith's followers, believing her to be the way to salvation, while Eric was convinced that Krista sent the Foundation after them believing Faith to be a demon. However, their plans were interrupted by Nora, who had finally arrived to the conclusion that Rachel and Eric were at fault for the steel mill incident and her brother's death. An argument erupted, and when it became physical, Faith panicked and screamed out to stop it, her power causing the four of them to shift to the Otherworld, surrounded by monsters.

Faith Krista The Innocent

Threatening Krista for the home invasion.

In the Otherworld, they came across stray people trapped in there, worshipping a tree to find salvation. Krista appeared and explained them to not be Foundation anymore, being met with strong distrust by Eric and Rachel. Krista tried to explain herself, saying that she only wanted Faith captured for her own safety, but the vengeful girl stepped forwards and threatened her. Krista dropped to her knees and begged for understanding, while Faith summoned the Entangler to come for her. Against her wishes, however, Rachel decided to take Krista prisoner with them, sparing her from death. [17]

Faith The Key

Taken captive by her followers.

Still wandering around, the group came across Astrid Johansen, a woman from Norway who Rachel had met in the shared Otherworld between their towns previously. Once they were all together, Faith's followers surrounded the group and took them hostage, bringing them to the steel mill for their own purposes. There, Faith showed herself distant and silent, while her followers asked Rachel to give them the "key" to open the way to the Great Empath, their savior. As they moved on to kill the group for Rachel's finger (the key), Faith summoned fog and monsters to surround the mill, and forced the group out of the Otherworld back into the town's streets. Faith remained in her followers' possession. [18]

Faith Sins of the Father

Confronting Eric with the Entangler.

Rachel, Eric, Nora and Krista put themselves to work on a plan to rescue Faith from the steel mill, which would require reenacting the incident that killed the workers years prior. When they snuck in the main workshop, they found Faith sitting alone in the area while the captors patrolled other exits. She told her parents that she just wanted to go home and be a family again, reacting with sadness at Eric saying that Rachel and him wouldn't be together again. Eric kissed Faith's forehead and went to the control room with Nora. In there, the truth of his involvement in the incident came to light, paining him into calling out a warning through the speakers to evacuate the workshop before the furnace exploded. Rachel and Krista took the opportunity to leave with Faith while Nora escaped on her own, and Eric was faced by the Entangler. A shift to the Otherworld took place, where Faith confronted Eric for his actions in the incident. Eric attempted to apologize to her, but was killed by the Entangler. As the Collector came in to retrieve Eric's finger from his corpse, Faith watched silently.

Faith sleeping The Fanatic

Rachel puts Faith to bed.

Out of the Otherworld, the group came across a large number of people standing in the middle of the street, awaiting for the Great Empath's arrival. Rachel was horrified to find that all of them had gouged their eyes out in the same ritual she did to find Faith before, and rushed back to their house with Faith and Krista. While they argued about Ascension and the possibility of mother and daughter being together in paradise, Faith laid on the floor and fell asleep from exhaustion. Rachel carried her to her bedroom later, and tucked her in to sleep. [19]

Faith The Accident

Nora tells Faith of her parents' bad deeds.

The next day, Krista finished her preparations for the ritual and went with Rachel and Faith to the steel mill, where they realized that they were the only ones left to Ascend. As they were soon to start and Faith's fears were being eased, Nora appeared and confronted Rachel for her part in the steel mill accident, forcing her to confess how she locked the workers inside the night of the tragedy. Nora explained in simpler terms to Faith how both of her parents caused pain both at the mill and in the cult, but that she was a good girl, unlike them. The Entangler, who was stalking them, prevented Nora from stabbing Rachel and dragged her into the fog, where it killed her.

Rachel's Fate

Mother and daughter hug.

With the Collector closing in on them, Krista hurried through the ritual before they shifted to the Otherworld. The Collector approached them dragging Nora's corpse behind him, and tossed it at them as a threat. Faith, although terrified, tried to stand against the monster and control it with her mind, but was ineffective and forced her to run back to Rachel and Krista. Krista sliced her hand and Rachel finished the prayer, but as they were soon to finish, Rachel hesitated and was grabbed by the Collector, botching the ritual and bringing her to a final encounter with the Entangler. During the battle, Rachel was about to be incapacitated by the monster's cords, but the arrival of Faith in the scene helped her push through and stab the beast. Mother and daughter hugged next to the Entangler's body, and escaped the Withering.

Epilogue Hope's Junction

Faith happy to go outside.

Safe in their home, the amnesiac Faith had to be told what happened by Rachel, including that Eric was dead. Reassured that there was no reason to be afraid anymore, Rachel opened the front door, revealing a sunny and bright day outside. Faith left excitedly to play in the front yard, while Rachel stared at a photograph of their family in happier days.

Meanwhile, in the Arcane Library, Zayn Davies had a vision of Faith and Orson Johansen, the son of the Norwegian family, happily playing together in the Johansen farm's swingset. [20]

Behind the scenes[]

Faith Hernandez. 3 to 6 years old; all ethnicities; 18 to play younger. A smart and sunny girl who loves animals and is a budding artist. Adorable. Dotes on her parents, lives to please them. Verbally, Faith is more advanced for her age. Whether this is a result of parenting, Foundation tactics, or indicative of some genius within her, is unknown and will be the source for her parents believing something about her daughter is “special.” Will get possessed and be creepy to her family later.
— Casting call[21]

Faith Hernandez first appeared in the interactive television series Silent Hill: Ascension, voiced by Nadja Vikram-Bugaj.



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Major Characters
Astrid Johansen - Brit Johansen - Eric Hernandez - Karl Johansen - Rachel Hernandez - Toby Cirelli - Xavier Candless
Other Characters
Aurora - Barbara - Eva Johansen - Faith Hernandez - Ingrid Johansen - Joy Cirelli - Krista Lee - Lejo Kant - Mette Dahl - Nils Grønbekk - Nora Jackson - Olivia Haugen - Orson Johansen - Zayn Davies
Crawler - Fighter - Hanger - Snarler - Stinger - The Bruiser - The Collector - The Entangler - The Immolator - The Smotherer - Wanderer
Hope's Junction - Stilledalen
Monster - Fog World - Otherworld - Paul Radcliffe - The Foundation - The Heralds - The Purifier - The Withering
Episodes - Story Branches - Cameos - Arcane Library - Soundtrack