Silent Hill Wiki
Silent Hill Wiki

Fukuro Lady is the name given to the entity featured in the short film Fukuro. She appears in a nurse's outfit wearing long black gloves that seem to be kept behind her as if they are tied (which is often mistaken for her having no arms at all).

In the Fukuro film, she has club-like appendages attached to her shoulders and is also wearing a mask of sorts, but camera angles do reveal a female human face behind it.

Her characteristics appear sexual, much like Pyramid Head, as she is seen suggestively atop of a creature. In the video, flashes between Fukuro Lady and Pyramid Head consorting with various monsters indicates their similarities and purpose, especially their sexual traits.

At some point in the middle of the Fukuro film, Pyramid Head is first seen grasping the Mannequins while two Fukuro Ladies appear mounted and mirrored on the walls against each other.

It is unknown what the monster that she rides is, as it was given no name or background. It is also a mystery if it was originally going to be a monster in the main series. Its symbolism also remains undisclosed.



Fukuro Lady shirt in Book of Memories.

