“ | I'll talk to you any way I goddamn like, girl! I earned that right when I gave birth to such an entitled little FITTE! You think you're the only one in this family who has had it hard? Have you any idea of what I went through because of what you did!?.
” |
Ingrid Johansen is a character appearing in Silent Hill: Ascension. She is the matriarch of Stilledalen's Johansen family, wife of Karl Johansen, mother of Eva, Astrid and Brit, and grandmother of Orson. Ruling with a heavy hand and abusive towards her loved ones, she falls sick from an illness and spends her days bedridden at the farmhouse.
When she dies under mysterious circumstances, she kicks off the events of the Norway storyline. As a manifestation, she takes on an antagonistic role to her daughters as they experience the fog world.
Ingrid was the eldest daughter of her family, followed by her sister Mette. Into their adulthood, Mette had a relationship with farmer Karl Johansen that wouldn't be long-lived. Instead, Ingrid married Karl soon after, and they would have three daughters together. Ingrid felt a strong duty to defend and build her family in strict ways, for which she became verbal and emotionally violent towards them, even getting physical as the years passed.
Ingrid's abuse left severe marks in Eva, her eldest daughter. After years of exhibiting antisocial tendencies and of ineffective punishments by her mother, Eva decided to leave a mark of her own in town by carrying out a mass shooting attack in Stilledalen's square.[1] Victims of the massacre included Aasta Haugen, the young daughter of Eva's therapist Olivia Haugen, who would hold a deep resentment for Ingrid and the Johansen family in the years to come.[2]
Having found out about what Eva had done, Ingrid coerced the middle daughter, Astrid, to gather wolfsbane from the farm. When Eva arrived home for dinner, she was given the poisoned tea by her mother and sister, from which she began convulsing and died on the floor. Ingrid promptly ordered Astrid to burn Eva's body and to bury it by the farm's goat den.[3]
Eva's rampage put Ingrid's actions in a negative light for the rest of Stilledalen's residents. During the years that followed, the Johansen farm was attacked and harassed by the relatives and friends of those who died in the shooting, including Olivia Haugen.[2] Ingrid became the main force protecting the family from the attackers, showing her strength and intimidating power on anyone who openly harassed them. She became a feared figure in town, all the while her other daughters lived under the abuse that Karl wouldn't protect them from.
As the years passed, both Astrid and youngest daughter Brit left the farm for their own reasons. While Astrid left to pursue university studies, Brit ran away to escape Ingrid's abuse. Her violence worsened as she fell ill with a degenerative disease, directing her anger towards Karl and her suspicions of him having an affair with Mette. Overtime, Ingrid's behavior would scar Karl's mental state to the point of him developing episodes of disassociation. By the time Astrid returned with her own child, Orson, she was bedridden and lashing out at her "ungrateful" family for how they had repaid her efforts to protect them. Astrid worked tirelessly on a treatment that could help her, while Karl illicitly injected her with morphine to sedate her periodically.[4]
Silent Hill: Ascension[]

Karl finds Ingrid's corpse.
One night, Ingrid began insulting Astrid's failed treatments and Orson's autistic development, causing Astrid to take him out of the house in anger. As she was left alone with Karl, she received an injection of morphine to sedate her, but she began struggling to breathe. Karl reassured her that nothing was wrong, before receiving a call from Astrid to apologize for upsetting her mother. Ingrid accused Karl of talking to Mette on the phone, then mocking his cowardice for pretending that he loved her, continuing to taunt him until he left the house to hunt wolves. Outside, he heard Ingrid's screams for help coming from the bedroom window, before being trapped in the Otherworld on his way to her. By the time he woke back up at the bedroom, he found Ingrid's lifeless body, unaware that he had killed her himself.

Ingrid briefly comes to life in a vision.
When Astrid returned home later, she walked into the bedroom and found Ingrid's body, momentarily breaking into crying at the sight of her dead mother. Once she collected herself, she found the morphine syringe that Ingrid knocked over in her struggle to breathe earlier. She started questioning Karl about it, starting to suspect that he played a role in her death. As Karl claimed that he would never hurt Ingrid, Astrid had a brief vision of Ingrid mockingly questioning the statement and coming to life in front of her. Paramedics and police promptly arrived, taking her body away to arrange the autopsy, despite many coroners refusing to due to strong grudges against her. [4]
Olivia Haugen, now a detective in the investigation, strongly suspected Karl of murdering his wife and had him taken to the precinct for questioning. Her suspicions went unanswered when, in the middle of the interrogation, Ingrid's second autopsy was finalized and revealed that she died of natural causes, despite the certainty of Karl's actions causing her death. Karl was let go as Ingrid's cause of death was ruled as complications from her illness. [5]

Stalking Astrid in the reflection.
The next days, another problem came up. While in police custody, Ingrid's body disappeared from the morgue, with no one knowing how it happened or where it went. Meanwhile, in downtown Stilledalen, Astrid was taking a walk in the fog when she noticed Ingrid's reflection stalking her in a window. She was nowhere to be seen, but Haugen arrived shortly after to inform Astrid about the situation with her mother's corpse. Blaming an administrative error for her disappearance and making an untactful joke about her, Haugen asked her to trust the department to find Ingrid again, despite Astrid suspecting that Haugen was sabotaging the case in revenge for Aasta's death. During their conversation, both of them were unable to see a manifestation of Ingrid, watching them from afar in the alley. [6]

Ingrid attacks Astrid in the lab.
Just as strangely as it disappeared, Ingrid's body was found again in the morgue in time for the funeral's preparations, but "desecrated" to an unknown extent. Afterwards, while working at the hospital's lab, Astrid's afflicted mental state was overcome by visions, rendering her unable to organize the funeral arrangements for the moment. These visions culminated in a manifestation of Ingrid taking the place of one of the morgue corpses, grabbing Astrid's hand and cornering her against the wall, spewing insults at her all throughout and taunting her to stab her mother's eye with the scalpel. Astrid armed herself with courage and instead demanded Ingrid to apologize for her abusive upbringing, being met only with a sarcastic apology for not strangling her in her crib. With Astrid losing the strength to fight back and cowering on the floor, the vision of Ingrid disappeared again. The encounter resulted in Astrid still hallucinating Ingrid's taunts while planning for the funeral. [7]

Inviting Astrid to the woods.
During the funeral, Astrid's eulogy to her mother involved feeling relief for her death, as life with her was "an unrelenting nightmare." As Ingrid was buried into the Johansen farm's ground, the fog around the proceedings thickened and both Karl and Orson disappeared. The attendees formed a search party and ventured into the woods to find them, with Astrid separating from the group and coming across the manifestation of her mother once again. Ingrid offered her to follow her and stop worrying about Orson, insulting her for her initial refusal. Astrid gave in and followed her deeper into the forest, taking her hand in the process. After some time walking through the fog, Astrid discovered in horror that Ingrid disappeared and, in place of her hand, she was holding onto a bloodied pipe. [8]
Although Orson wasn't found yet and Astrid spent the next week hard at searching for him, Karl returned home and continued his bonding with Mette, who was visiting Stilledalen for the funeral and had re-ignited Karl's feelings for her. While heavily drunk one night, Karl hallucinated Ingrid's voice calling him from the bedroom, finding only Mette in her place. As she tried to ease Karl's worries, Ingrid briefly appeared to him again in a vision, causing him to retreat from Mette's advances for the moment being. Despite that, he eventually came back to her, and went along with establishing a relationship between the two. [9]

Taunting Astrid for being a killer.
During the search for Orson, Astrid became increasingly paranoid of the possibility that she killed Orson herself and was unable to remember it. While at work, one of the bodies she was transporting in the lab became a vision of Ingrid, accusing her of being a killer who would go after her own son. Along with Ingrid's accusations, hallucinations of Orson's fearful voice at the time of being seemingly attacked by his mother also drove the point further into Astrid's head, until a co-worker snapped her out of the visions. [10]

Punishing Brit.
While she skipped the funeral out of disdain for her mother, Brit Johansen also returned to Stilledalen to support the family in the search for Orson, while struggling with her alcoholism and self-harm tendencies in the face of the traumatic upbringing she had in the farmhouse. The night Orson was found safe and Astrid took him to the hospital, Brit endured another vision involving a call from her AA sponsor tempting her to give into her addictions. As she refused to play into it, fog rolled into the house, and Ingrid appeared sitting at the dining table. She offered Brit a bottle of rum to "drink herself to death" and make her go away. When Brit refused and threw the bottle, Ingrid got up from her seat and threatened to hurt Brit as punishment for disobedience. As Astrid and Orson arrived home, the manifestation disappeared, and Astrid supported Brit for her willpower after seeing the broken bottle.

The Old Goat.
The returning Orson also brought with him a picture book of the Three Billygoats Gruff tale, insistent on Astrid reading it for him. When she did, she found the story to be much darker than the usual tale. Each of the goats in the tale stood for the Johansen generations, with the Old Goat standing in for Ingrid. She's described as the most treacherous, with a heart so rotten that the troll under the bridge wouldn't want her, and that she passed all of her anger and hate onto the Momma Goat, standing in for Astrid, so that she's eaten instead. [11]

Astrid finds Ingrid inside.
As the weeks passed, the darkness of the Johansen family was unearthed and taken advantage of by the sect of the Heralds, looking to bring the Otherworld into Stilledalen, using Ingrid's violent tendencies passed onto the late Eva and the young Orson. [12] As the town was completely taken over by the fog, a hunt for the surviving Johansens was set in motion, forcing Astrid and Orson to stay in the farm after Brit managed to escape to the real world. When the hunters arrived to kill them both, a horde of Snarlers attacked them, giving Astrid a chance to retreat while Haugen and family friend Lejo Kant stood outside. Inside the farmhouse, Astrid found her mother chopping vegetables in the kitchen, having sent Orson to get ready for dinner. When Astrid said she wanted to take him away and escape, Ingrid stabbed the knife into the board and demanded they stay for dinner, blaming the hunters outside for the darkness in the house. In order to get rid of them, she decided to have Orson kill them all.

The family dinner.
Before starting dinner, Ingrid demanded Astrid to get Eva to join them, dropping her knife onto the floor and it becoming a shovel. Astrid obliged and dug up Eva's grave by the goat pen, summoning a manifestation of her dead sister. At the dining table, Ingrid complained about Karl and Brit's absence and her ungrateful family, moving onto picking on Eva's rebellious attitude. She accused Eva of bringing shame on the family through the mass shooting, and stood up to fight against her attitude by complaining about the hardship she endured from the townsfolk after the incident. When Eva got Astrid on her side to blame Ingrid's abuse for Eva's actions, Ingrid angrily struck the table and turned things around by forcing Astrid to watch the reenactment of Eva's death, breaking her down with the memory of the disposal of the body until Astrid snapped out of it, finding herself alone with Orson in the dining room.

Astrid aims at Ingrid's head.
As she protected Orson from the hunters, Astrid encountered Ingrid for the final time in the Otherworld. While the Immolator approached them, Astrid confronted her mother for her abuse, to which she maintained that she was making them strong, but they failed. Astrid warns that she's not weak and wasn't afraid anymore of fighting Ingrid, before loading the gun and aiming it at her head, and the monster behind her. Smiling with a sarcastic expression, Ingrid's manifestation disappeared and allowed Astrid to shoot into the Immolator, killing the beast.
Behind the scenes[]
“ | Ingrid Johansen. 47 to 59 years old; all ethnicities; woman. Karl’s wife and the mother of Astrid, Britt and Eva. Ingrid was the domineering and abusive power center in the Johansen family. If she couldn’t get her children and husband to do things through threats, intimidation and verbal abuse, she wasn’t above hitting them. For over a year before her death, she suffered from Huntington’s disease, which eventually left her bedridden and reliant on Karl for everything. With her mind going, her verbal abuse got even worse. She's a toxic abusive matriarch who has verbally beaten her family into submission. She sounds incredibly charismatic when she wants to; her voice has a mesmerizing quality to it.
” |
Ingrid Johansen first appeared in the interactive television series Silent Hill: Ascension, voiced by Siri Therese Lier.
- ↑ Silent Hill: Ascension "Chapter 10: REGRET"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Silent Hill: Ascension"Chapter 11: RIGHT"
- ↑ Silent Hill: Ascension "Chapter 21: ASCENSION"
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Silent Hill: Ascension "Chapter 1: AMISS"
- ↑ Chapter 2: BLIGHT
- ↑ Chapter 3: PENANCE
- ↑ Chapter 4: SEVERANCE
- ↑ Chapter 5: VANISHED
- ↑ Chapter 6: FRACTURED
- ↑ Chapter 7: QUALMS
- ↑ Chapter 12: WRONG
- ↑ Chapter 15: PURSUIT
- ↑ https://www.backstage.com/casting/murkwood-2590037/?role_id=4583481
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Characters |
Major Characters |
Astrid Johansen - Brit Johansen - Eric Hernandez - Karl Johansen - Rachel Hernandez - Toby Cirelli - Xavier Candless |
Other Characters |
Aurora - Barbara - Eva Johansen - Faith Hernandez - Ingrid Johansen - Joy Cirelli - Krista Lee - Lejo Kant - Mette Dahl - Nils Grønbekk - Nora Jackson - Olivia Haugen - Orson Johansen - Zayn Davies |
Monsters |
Crawler - Fighter - Hanger - Snarler - Stinger - The Bruiser - The Collector - The Entangler - The Immolator - The Smotherer - Wanderer |
Locations |
Hope's Junction - Stilledalen |
Terms |
Monster - Fog World - Otherworld - Paul Radcliffe - The Foundation - The Heralds - The Purifier - The Withering |
Archives |
Episodes - Story Branches - Cameos - Arcane Library - Soundtrack |