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Doesn't mean I hate you, or want to see your daughter hurt. I'm a bitch, Eric, not a monster.
—Krista offering Eric company.

Krista Lee is a character appearing in Silent Hill: Ascension. She is an important member of the Foundation, a religious organization based in Hope's Junction, Pennsylvania, despite her being critical of some methods and not adhering to all their customs. She has a strong rivalry with Rachel Hernandez, and aims to win the love of her husband Eric.



Krista was already a member of the Foundation when the cult moved to Hope's Junction, trying to push back the "blight" caused by a fatal accident in a local steel mill. She was notoriously against the induction of Rachel Hernandez, who was partially responsible for the fire. Despite her animosity for Rachel, both of them came to be important and respected individuals in the cult.

Silent Hill: Ascension[]

Krista A Blessing or a Curse

Krista doubting Xavier.

Krista's disdain for Rachel grows when a new acolyte, Joy Cirelli, is killed in a private ritual between her and Rachel. Foundation leader Xavier Candless sees the testimony as a sign that Rachel was blessed by the Purifier, the cult's benevolent deity. Krista refuses to believe in Xavier's optimism, proposing instead that Rachel is cursed and that her testimony is unreliable.

Along with Xavier, she attends Rachel's meeting with the cult's elders to tell her account of the fatal ritual. Elder Barbara suggests hosting a ritual of clarity to judge Rachel, which Krista seems to put in doubt. Xavier offers Krista to take part in the ritual, as her friction with Rachel could yield more effective results. [1]

Rachel Krista Ritual of Clarity Retribution Blight

At the ritual of clarity.

Krista is, to her surprise, picked by Rachel to perform the ritual with her. In it, Krista muses about how much she hoped for that to be the decision, before slicing Rachel's wrists and stepping back. As Rachel bleeds out on the floor, Toby Cirelli - Joy's brother - breaks into the room and sets it ablaze with a molotov cocktail. The fire and Rachel's fainting causes the people present to shift to the Otherworld, where Krista watches in fear as the Entangler kills a fellow acolyte and heads for Rachel, before coming back to reality. Krista lashes out at Xavier for enabling Rachel, accusing her of being the cause of the Otherworld shift. With Toby's threat on the table as well, she suggests to threaten him with danger, as he wrongly believed that they intentionally summoned the monster he saw. [2]

Krista The Blighted Touch

Complaining about Rachel.

Some time later, Krista is found complaining to another Foundation member about Xavier's choices, namely trying to recruit Toby into the Foundation to watch him. Rachel walks into the room just as Krista started to talk about her curse too, for which Krista doubles down upon seeing her. She tells Rachel that nothing she could do would earn Toby's trust, and that Xavier is still wrong about her being a savior. Rachel daringly tells her that when it's over, Krista will be thanking her, which Krista denies.

Krista A Mentor

Recruiting Toby Cirelli.

Later that day, Krista finds Toby wandering outside of the Foundation's building. Rachel had failed to convince him to join, but Krista has an easier time showing him the basics of the initiation process, suggesting to have Rachel as a mentor to show his commitment. She approaches Rachel to boast about her success, noting how Rachel's apologies wouldn't have ever been enough, and earning Xavier's praise in front of her rival. [3]

Group shot Toby's Induction

At Toby's induction ceremony.

After attending Toby's induction ceremony, Xavier informs Krista that he positively identified Toby as the source of the corruption invading Hope's Junction, due to his role in the steel mill accident. As he quit the Foundation upon finding out why he was recruited, Xavier had to task Krista with watching him and making sure he doesn't leave the town, while also protecting Eric Hernandez from any danger, as Toby's best friend. [4]

Although they manage to convince Toby to turn himself in for the severing ritual, an Otherworld shift interrupts the ceremony before Toby could die in reality, leading Krista and Rachel to worry about the Withering's danger still being upon them.

Krista A Toast to You

Greeting Eric at the bar.

Meanwhile, Eric receives a posthumous message from Toby asking him to make a toast in his honor at the Silver Pines bar. In there, he finds Krista drinking, who thanks him for the free round and offers to return the favor somehow. Eric feels uneasy and returns to work at the laundromat, but Krista follows him there to tell him what she wanted to. She says that Rachel wouldn't tell him what happened to Toby, so she is going to. In that moment, the laundromat shifts to the Otherworld, and Eric is attacked by a Hanger. [5]

Krista fights a Hanger in the Otherworld.

Krista fights a Hanger in the Otherworld.

After rescuing Eric from the monster, Krista breaks the news of Toby's sacrifice and the failing results of it. She heads back to the Foundation to warn Xavier, but she finds out that he had gone missing. Rachel and Eric arrive later, and tell her and Barbara that Faith, their daughter, had disappeared as well. Barbara doesn't want to divulge details about Xavier's vanishing with Eric present, but Rachel insists and Krista vouches for him being also involved with the Otherworld. The discussion results in Rachel staying, while Eric angrily leaves to continue searching for their daughter, and with Krista following him.

Krista Looking Fractured

Getting closer to Eric.

She catches up to Eric at a grocery store, and begins to criticize Rachel for not accompanying him in their search, claiming that she shouldn't stay back when her daughter is missing. They argue over their choices and, in the end, Eric allows Krista to help looking for Faith in the town. In the foggy streets, Krista hears a noise, and is attacked by a Stinger that Eric has to fend off. Krista immediately blames Rachel for the phenomenon taking over the town, recognizing that she was the source of the Withering, not Toby. As Eric reacts with disbelief, Krista brings up how poorly Rachel treats him, and holds him to tell him that he deserves better. [6]

Krista taken by Entangler

The Entangler takes Krista.

Krista consoles Eric and encourages him to speak his true feelings, but an Otherworld shift brings the Entangler to Krista, wrapping her in its cords and dragging her into the fog while Eric is restrained behind. As she recalls later, Krista is brought to a desolate place in the Otherworld, overwhelming her with a feeling of hopelessness. In there, she sees the Collector, a monster with an opening of light in its gut that Krista wanted to crawl into to escape the feelings of that place. [7] She is brought back to the foggy town, struck by the experience, and wanders back to the Foundation's building.

Rachel Krista Lockdown

Krista and Rachel clash.

Back at the Foundation, Krista finds Xavier catatonic, incapable of leading the cult in his state. Rachel finds her and asks about Eric, learns that Krista lost him, and tries to go outside to find him. Krista forbids it and instead demands a lockdown in the building, feeling that the despair from the outside is too dangerous for anyone to venture into, due to her own experience and descriptions of the Withering in their texts. As ordered in a letter found in Xavier's possession, Krista is made temporary leader of the Foundation with Rachel's reluctant support, although the other members are still afraid of the lockdown. For the following period, Krista keeps everybody inside of the building for their safety, and keeps communication going. When Xavier finally wakes up and returns from the Otherworld with Eric, he thanks Krista deeply for her leadership and Rachel for her support. [8]

Eric Prying Eyes

Eric tries to get Krista to open up.

Eric approaches Krista later to inquire about what happened after they separated. She refuses to answer over and over, even trying to turn it around on Eric to ask him about admitting that he deserves better, and claiming to have lost her memory of the event. Eric continues asking, both of them becoming more exasperated, until Eric blurts out that he wanted to know because he cares about her, in a way that comes across as a romantic advance. As Krista tries to play into it, Eric realizes his mistake and leaves.

Later, she and Xavier are gathered by Eric to intervene in a forbidden ritual Rachel had told him about. They are too late, and walk into Rachel having already gouged her eye out. Krista stands behind Xavier while he berates Rachel for her sin, and leaves without saying a word to her. [9]

Deceit Judgment

At Rachel's tribunal.

Krista attends Rachel's tribunal afterwards, in which it would be decided whether Rachel should stay or be excommunicated from the Foundation. Despite her hatred of Rachel, Krista testifies in her favor, recounting how she supported her during her temporary leadership even though they had their differences, out of loyalty for the Foundation. Rachel, however, ends the tribunal early by quitting the cult on the spot. Xavier has to formulate a quick plan to strengthen the cult's defenses without her, and resorts to asking Krista and Eric individually to perform a "merging ceremony" by having sex with each other.

Entangler Collector vision Boundaries

Krista's vision.

That night, Krista carries out a seance in the ritual room. She has a vision of herself wandering the Otherworld, coming across the bodies of Toby Cirelli and Mette Dahl, a woman from Norway, and the Collector standing before them. By the Collector's side, the Entangler appears as well. Krista becomes dizzy and overwhelmed, until Eric wakes her up from her vision. She insists that the Withering is getting worse and something has to be done against it, to which Eric brings up the merging ceremony. Krista makes it clear that she doesn't want it unless Eric is completely sure of it and doing it for himself, not to please her or Xavier. [10]

Eric Krista New Beginnings

Eric rejects Krista.

When it becomes time to do the ceremony, Eric tells Krista that he doesn't want to do it, given that he is still married to Rachel. The disappointed Krista accepts his decision, but warns him that Xavier wouldn't be so understanding. She finds Eric the next day having visions of them together. Krista continues to drive her point onward, questioning whether Rachel would have really chosen the same as him if posed with the same dilemma. She hints that Rachel knew more about the matter than she let on, casting doubt on how much Eric knows his wife. [11]

Krista The Satyr

Krista in a ceremonial hood.

As Krista warned, Xavier is angry with Eric for declining the offer. He instead invites him to a second chance, by participating in a group merging ceremony among the elite of the Foundation. Krista is approached by him while she praying to ask about that ritual. Krista explains that being offered the Satyr role Eric was given is a big honor, and encourages him to participate with them, even if just by watching. She already has her ritual hood on when Eric presents himself to the ceremony. Krista then puts the ram hood on Xavier, and the ceremony begins with Eric as the Satyr. During the ceremony, Krista is merely a viewer from a few meters away.

When the ceremony is done, the group leaves the building to meet the night sky, but they are met with Rachel on the street. Shortly after, Faith suddenly returns to them, accompanied by Nora Jackson, a stranger. An argument breaks out between the people present about what to do with Faith, with Krista trying to convince Nora to come inside with them to check if they are okay. As Rachel refuses to leave Faith's side, all of them go back into the hall together. [12]

Krista An Unexpected Plea

Visiting Rachel's home.

Having found out that Xavier intended to allow Rachel to rejoin the Foundation and to make Faith an Aspirant for the Ascension ritual, Krista visits the Hernandez residence to talk Rachel out of returning, pointing out how her presence could jeopardize the success of the ritual. When the conversation shifts onto Krista's attempts to endear Eric, Rachel kicks the smug Krista out of her house.

A day later, Krista finds Faith alone at the Foundation's doorstep after Rachel killed Xavier in self-defense. Hearing from Faith that Xavier intended to carry out the Ascension ritual, Krista freaks out realizing that Xavier gave up on fighting the Withering. [13] Eric then leaves her in charge of Faith while he goes out to find them. [14]

Krista We need to talk about Faith

Faith threatens Krista.

When Eric returns, Krista is being held at knifepoint by Faith in the meeting room. Faith challenges her to cut out her eye like Rachel, and influences her into almost doing it, before Eric stops her. Snapping out of her trance, Krista demands Eric to intervene on Faith's behavior, or else she would do it herself. She angrily leaves and runs into Rachel at the ritual room, where she's confronted about her knowledge of Xavier's intentions and the leadership of the Foundation. Krista maintains that her only goal is to save Hope's Junction.

Krista Collector vision Krista's Offer

Another vision of Krista's.

Another vision shows Krista the bodies of the Hernandez family, Barbara, and herself in the Otherworld, as well as the Collector approaching her. Krista wakes up from the vision and goes to Eric, telling him of what happened when the Entangler captured her, and that she now believes Xavier was right to give up. She proposes the Ascension ritual as the only way out, and invites Eric to join her in it with Faith so that they can be a family together in paradise.

C14 The Accusation

Rachel tries to accuse Barbara.

Krista and Nora were gathered later by Barbara and Rachel for an accusation regarding suspicions of the sect of the Heralds infiltrating the Foundation. Barbara had previously led Rachel to suspect Krista of being the heretic, but she accuses Barbara instead in the meeting. Rachel is unable to support her claim or to convince Krista and Nora, getting her kicked out of the building while Krista watches in indifference. [7]

She meets with Eric again the next day to discuss the Ascension ritual, her responsibility as a leader, and the nature of paradise. She insists on Rachel being unable to join them in there, despite Eric's wishes for them all to be together. She's later told by Eric that he won't join them for the ritual and will look for another way, much to Krista's disappointment, who only says that they might never see each other again if he doesn't. [15]


Arriving at the Silver Pines bar.

Krista joins Eric and Faith afterwards during a rise in monster attacks in the fog. They force their way into the Silver Pines bar, where Nora is looking over a group of survivors afflicted by the Otherworld. Although they're able to find shelter from the monsters in there, Krista grows uneasy about the people around them and warns Eric that the monsters are going after Faith. Shortly after, the bar is attacked by the Entangler, forcing the group to make an escape in which Krista disappears from amongst them. Krista wanders the streets until she comes across a lost Rachel in the middle of fleeing townspeople, and knocks her out with a baseball bat. [16]

Krista Rachel A New Leader

Krista captures Rachel.

She captures Rachel and brings her to the Foundation, explaining that she needs to convince the remaining acolytes to trust her and join the Ascension ritual. Krista threatens her with exposing that Rachel killed Joy Cirelli - starting the Withering - unless she vouches for Krista's leadership. During the meeting, Rachel instead tells the acolytes to not follow any leadership at all, prompting Krista to expose Rachel's blame and turning people against her. Krista insists that she will try to save everyone, as Rachel leaves the Foundation again. [17]

Faith Krista The Innocent

Krista begs Faith for forgiveness.

Following a monster attack on the Foundation and the revelation of Faith holding strong powers, Krista orders some members to capture her and bring her to the Foundation's building for their safety. The mission fails and Krista is met again in the Otherworld, walking closely behind a group of deserting Foundation acolytes, just like Rachel told them to quit earlier. Eric and Faith get defensive around her, accusing her of trying to kill Faith with the intruders she sent to their home. Krista begs for her life and swears that she only wanted to keep her in a safe place, as Faith summoned the Entangler to kill her. [18]

A Mother's Love fanatics

Krista makes the fanatics hesitate.

Rachel intervenes and allows Krista to join them, under the threat of killing her if she attempts to escape. The group runs from the Entangler and into a new faction of fanatics, people following Faith as a savior. The fanatics bring Krista and the others to the steel mill to explain their goals and what they seek from Rachel. When Rachel attempts to question their beliefs and make them doubt themselves, the fanatics decide to kill her as a blasphemer, which is stopped for long enough by Krista revealing to them that her visions have shown her that their goal only brings misery. A thick fog rolls into the steel mill, before Krista and everyone else are forced out of the Otherworld.

Krista Head to Head

Alone in the ruined library.

Rachel finds Krista again at the Foundation's hall, destroyed by the deserting acolytes when they quit the cult, where Krista laments how she failed the Foundation despite all her efforts and how Ascension is the only hope left to save Faith. Faith's fanatics arrive following Rachel, demanding Rachel's finger in exchange for taking them to her daughter. Krista and Rachel fight back and manage to restrain them, cutting off their fingers as a threat just in time for Eric and Nora to arrive.

Zayn Krista vision

A vision of Zayn and Faith.

As a plan is crafted to rescue Faith from her followers, Krista suffers from another vision of the Otherworld, in which she stands before a smiling Zayn Davies with Faith by his side. She wakes from it screaming into Eric's arms, panicking over the little time left to save Faith and carry out the Ascension ritual. After listening to Eric's qualms with Rachel's plan, she reminds him that Rachel is still unlikely to ascend with them, and makes him question again if bringing her is worth the risk. [19]

Steel mill Linger

Arriving at the steel mill.

Before going to the steel mill, Krista asks Eric again about his allegiances and love, being rejected for the final time as Eric says that his only interests are on his daughter, and on Rachel only as Faith's mother. The group heads to the steel mill in the forest, sneaking close to Faith to comfort her. Krista tries to pull Faith aside while Rachel distracts the fanatics, but they're quickly surrounded while Eric and Nora are in the control room trying to blow the furnace up. Eric is unable to do it as Rachel's plan said, and sends a warning over the speakers so that people can escape. Rachel, Krista and Nora do, while the fanatics stay behind thinking it to be a decoy, and die in the fire along with Eric, at the hands of the Entangler.

Collective Delusion Repentance

Among the eyeless fanatics.

In the town streets, they come across a group of eyeless survivors standing in the middle of the road, awaiting for the Great Empath's arrival. Krista takes Faith and they run into Rachel's home, where she claims that the town is completely immersed in the Withering, even fearing that it has spread beyond Hope's Junction. She accepted Eric's death as a fact quickly, and tries to ground Rachel from clinging onto hopes so that they can help Faith escape through Ascension. Rachel accepts, and Krista goes back to the Foundation to prepare for the ritual. [20]

Krista Rachel Doubt Ascension

Reading Radcliffe's journal.

The next day, Rachel asks Krista about any texts from Paul Radcliffe, the Foundation's founder and prophet, that Xavier kept to himself. Krista decides to use a key she found in Xavier's office to open an old box, in which they find Radcliffe's own personal journal. Although Krista is apprehensive about reading it, Rachel concludes from the journal that the Foundation's Purifier and Pestilent, and the fanatics' Great Empath are all the same being, which Radcliffe couldn't tell apart from himself even, and that the Foundation was only one of many groups studying the Withering - meaning Ascension might not be the best course of action. Krista chooses to hold faith on the ritual working and to ignore the implications in the journal.

The Final Ritual

Carrying out the Ascension ritual.

Upon arriving at the steel mill later to hold the ritual, they find that they're the only ones who will be joining. Krista sets up the ceremony spot and they all sit down to begin, but they are interrupted by Nora to confront Rachel about her role in the mill's fire. As Rachel confesses to locking the workers in the factory in the fire, Nora attempts to stab her, but the Entangler appears and drags her away before she could kill Rachel. Krista snaps from her shock and begins rushing through her prayer, until they shift to the Otherworld with the Collector slowly approaching them. They continue the ritual with a cut on Krista's hand, and smile at the sky feeling saved, but Rachel hesitates and is taken by the Collector to the light in its torso, ruining the ritual. Krista is never seen again afterwards. [21]

Behind the scenes[]

Krista. 30 to 40 years old; Chinese/American woman. A very domineering person. She owns a store and joined up with the Foundation quickly to protect her business. Now, she is a true believer in the Foundation and its mission, and she's willing to go to great lengths to protect the organization and, she hopes, lead it someday. Sarcastic/Motivated/Calculating. Krista is blunt and unafraid to speak her mind. She has no filter, and is usually surprised this angers others. She's no-nonsense and highly logical. She's used to acting tough as a former beat cop in Norway.
— Casting call[22]

Amina is stalked by a Wanderer in marketing for Ascension.


Amina's fate is discussed in a mock chat appearing in the announcement trailer for Ascension.

Krista is a recurring character in the television series Silent Hill: Ascension, voiced by Ishika Muchhal and first appearing in "Chapter 1: AMISS". Her design was modified and repurposed from an earlier model designed for Amina, a character that was created for a deleted plotline set outside of Hope's Junction and Stilledalen.[23][24]

A previous name for the character was Krista Kaalstad.[25] This surname was left over in an alternate outcome of the scene Toby's Induction in Chapter 4: SEVERANCE, as shown in What If? [26]


Silent Hill: Ascension[]


v · e · d
Major Characters
Astrid Johansen - Brit Johansen - Eric Hernandez - Karl Johansen - Rachel Hernandez - Toby Cirelli - Xavier Candless
Other Characters
Aurora - Barbara - Eva Johansen - Faith Hernandez - Ingrid Johansen - Joy Cirelli - Krista Lee - Lejo Kant - Mette Dahl - Nils Grønbekk - Nora Jackson - Olivia Haugen - Orson Johansen - Zayn Davies
Crawler - Fighter - Hanger - Snarler - Stinger - The Bruiser - The Collector - The Entangler - The Immolator - The Smotherer - Wanderer
Hope's Junction - Stilledalen
Monster - Fog World - Otherworld - Paul Radcliffe - The Foundation - The Heralds - The Purifier - The Withering
Episodes - Story Branches - Cameos - Arcane Library - Soundtrack