Metatron, also spelled Metraton or Mattatron (in Hebrew: מטטרון), is an angel (of the seraphim order) of importance in the Jewish and Christian faiths, where he is often attributed as the messenger of God. In Jewish lore, he is the "Heavenly scribe", and is considered as second to none, save but to God Himself.
In Christian belief, it was thought that God's voice was too powerful for any mortal to hear, so he conveyed his message to Adam and Eve through Metatron, who is only an angel and as such had no effects on Adam and Eve. Metatron was also tasked with banishing both Adam and Eve from the sacred Garden of Eden because they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
Silent Hill series[]
His only role in the Silent Hill games has been through the occasional appearances of a seal bearing his name. It is assumed that somehow Metatron is an angel for the the Order's god.