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Sometimes, when someone is suffering that much, someone should help them. Don't you agree?
—Mette to Karl Johansen

Mette Dahl is a character in Silent Hill: Ascension. She is Ingrid Johansen's younger sister, and Karl Johansen's ex-lover. When Ingrid dies from her illness, Mette travels to Stilledalen and involves herself in the family's grief to regain Karl's love.



Mette was Ingrid's younger sister. In her young adult years, she had a passionate relationship with Karl Johansen, time in which she trained to become a nurse. While they were strongly in love, circumstances drove Karl to seek Ingrid's hand in marriage instead, before getting the chance to offer Mette a wedding ring. [1]

Despite not getting to marry Karl as she wished, Mette stayed in contact with the family that her sister had formed with him. She visited the Johansen's often, acting as a nurturing figure to her young nieces to contrast Ingrid's aggressive behavior. Mette's role in the family grew when Eva, one of her nieces, went on a mass shooting rampage in Stilledalen's town square. The Johansen's were facing intense harassment, troubling them deeply. Mette continued to visit and put on a kind face for Astrid and Brit, while secretly seeking an affair with Karl behind Ingrid's back and driving a teenage Astrid to grow strong suspicions of her. [2][3]

Meanwhile, she grew a twisted sense of morality in her job as a nurse. Feeling that people in intense pain shouldn't have to suffer by staying alive, she started to believe in the employment of euthanasia to spare patients in states that she deemed as cruel. It's unknown if she acted on these beliefs at the time.

Silent Hill: Ascension[]

Mette Karl The Intruder

Karl aims his gun at Mette.

Upon learning of Ingrid's death, Mette packed baggage and headed to Stilledalen, hoping to visit the rest of the Johansen family at the farm. Once she arrived, she broke a window to get a spare key, alerting Karl and making him mistake her for an intruder. [4] After settling things down, they discussed the circumstances of Ingrid's death at the dinner table.

Astrid Mette The Vial

Astrid finds a vial of morphine in Mette's belongings.

Upon learning of Karl's situation, Mette offered him her support and trust against the suspicions of him being Ingrid's murderer. While she suggested to stay in the hotel, Karl insisted in having her stay at the farmhouse, causing her to clash with Astrid once she arrived. When Astrid snarkily helped her with her bags, a vial of morphine fell out of them raising further suspicions about Mette's involvement, as Ingrid had traces of morphine in her system. Mette defended herself by claiming she must have forgotten it from her job at the hospital, but Astrid wasn't convinced by her downplaying of the issue, and expressed her intentions of telling Karl about it.

After spending the night in Astrid's old room, Mette was confronted again by Astrid in front of Karl. She exposed the morphine in Mette's possession, along with placing doubts on why she hadn't told Karl about it yet. As Karl demanded an answer, him and Mette went to the ice hotel to discuss the issue. She provided an explanation that managed to convince Karl to her side, while persuasively antagonizing Astrid in Karl's eyes. Once she reassured him of things getting better, he confided on her about the strange happenings around the farm, and they discussed with Karl's friend Lejo how to catch the intruder wandering around the farm. With the bond of trust growing between them, the spark of their old affair ignited once more. [2]

Mette Karl A Second Chance

Mette receives Ingrid's ring.

With Ingrid's funeral coming up, Mette found herself sidelined from the preparations by Astrid, despite her suggestions to help. She found Karl going through Ingrid's things, wondering what to do with her ring. According to Mette, the ring would have been passed to the eldest surviving sister, implying that it should be passed from Ingrid to her. While Karl initially hesitated on whether to give it to Astrid or bury it with Ingrid, he ultimately decided to give it to Mette, regretting not having given her an engagement ring back in their youth. Mette recognized that she still held feelings for him, believing that they were granted a second chance as they kissed once again. [1]

Mette The Funeral

Mette at the funeral.

Their new relationship didn't take long to be noticed by Astrid, who was angered by them getting together before Ingrid was even buried, and by Karl giving Mette the ring she wanted gone. The funeral that took place the next day saw Mette act strangely at Astrid's speech about her life with Ingrid as a mother, grimacing in contrast to Karl's solemn silence. Shortly after, Karl and Astrid's son Orson disappeared from the group, making them go into the woods to find them and bring them home. Though they found Karl close by, Orson was nowhere to be seen, and both Karl and Astrid themselves disappeared while Mette was searching with Lejo. As the hours passed and none of them could be found, Mette took it upon herself to call Brit back home from her new life. [5]

Once Brit arrived and put herself to aid the search parties, Mette applied for a nurse position in Stilledalen's hospital. She realized that people were being struck by a strange condition that they couldn't get better from, and quietly decided to use her job to euthanize the patients that seemed too far gone to recover.

Karl Mette Connections

Karl chooses for them to be lovers.

After three days of searching, Brit found Astrid and Karl and brought them home. Karl, deeply burdened by the events that happened, coped by drinking an entire bottle of whiskey, making him hallucinate Ingrid's voice in his drunk state. When he headed upstairs, he found Mette calling him instead. She reassured him about the situation, trying to get him to not worry about Astrid or Orson. As he pulled himself together, she hummed to the window, bringing him back determined for them to become lovers. [6]

A couple of days later, Mette visited Astrid in her lab at the hospital. She tried to reassure her of their support, even if Astrid opposed their relationship. However, her words didn't reach well into Astrid, as she almost slipped the possibility of the accusations on Astrid being correct. Their conversation was interrupted by a code blue over the hospital speakers. Mette caught Astrid up on the situation of the patients in Stilledalen and feigning ignorance over their deaths. [7]

Mette The Cover Up

Faking surprise at the dead patients.

Later on, Karl was walking around his farm when he came across branches with medical bracelets on them. As Mette appeared behind him, he tried to ask her about the names in them, to which she feigned surprise. She claimed that they were patients she treated, but that they were in terrible pain and they needed the help, obscuring her role in their deaths. As Karl failed to realize that she was their killer, Mette offered him to run away from town together and escape the strange happenings, reminding him of his young dream of sailing around the world. [8]

Mette Angel

Mette defends her actions to Karl.

While Karl struggled to come to a decision, Mette made preparations for their escape and got in contact with the right people to get their passports handled. Once she arrived to tell Karl the news and come clean about her murders, she found him overwhelmed by the guilt of running away and leaving Astrid and Orson behind. She further persuaded him to agree to the escape, but Karl noticed a medical bracelet she was carrying and asked for the truth about them. Mette confessed that she was responsible, but that she was "freeing" them from their pain and phenomenon taking over the town. She insisted in her good intentions and her helping hand, but Karl remained apprehensive and remarked that even if he believed in her, the police would come after them. Leaving Karl confused and overwhelmed again, she urged him on the importance of running away promptly.

Mette The Escape

The fog surrounds Mette.

She met with Karl outside at night, hoping that he would choose to go with her. However, Karl showed up without any baggage. She barely contained her sadness as Karl told her that, while he loved her and got to understand her philosophy, she was in too much danger and had to send her away. Despite her begging, Karl parted ways with her, and watched as she was enveloped by the fog rolling in while saying he had made a mistake. She disappeared in the mist, making Karl shift to the Otherworld, hearing the groans of the Immolator and Mette's terrified screaming. He eventually reached the docks of Stilledalen in the Otherworld, where he found Mette's burned corpse. Besides the damage done by the flames, one of her fingers had already been removed and taken by the Collector. As Karl lamented her demise, Mette's voice surrounded him with the words "it's you," and the Immolator started chasing him through the boardwalk. [9]

Mette Toast

Mette's burnt corpse.

Mette's death would eventually become one of the assumed factors of Karl's mental break in the shooting memorial days later [10][11], and her nursing cap was burned by Brit as a way to make themselves move on from the past. [3] Meanwhile, in Hope's Junction, Pennsylvania, Foundation member Krista Lee saw Mette's corpse in one of her visions of the Collector. [9]

Behind the scenes[]

Mette Dahl. 45 to 55 years old; all ethnicities; woman. A nurse and her nurturing quality is warm and welcoming. She also has a mysterious side. Despite her warmth, there's always something she's holding back. She can come across as upbeat and understanding when she wants to be, but there's a manipulative side to her that she keeps well-hidden. She can communicate menace while seeming kind.
— Casting call[12]

Mette Dahl first appeared in the interactive television series Silent Hill: Ascension, voiced by Weronica Wilmi.


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Major Characters
Astrid Johansen - Brit Johansen - Eric Hernandez - Karl Johansen - Rachel Hernandez - Toby Cirelli - Xavier Candless
Other Characters
Aurora - Barbara - Eva Johansen - Faith Hernandez - Ingrid Johansen - Joy Cirelli - Krista Lee - Lejo Kant - Mette Dahl - Nils Grønbekk - Nora Jackson - Olivia Haugen - Orson Johansen - Zayn Davies
Crawler - Fighter - Hanger - Snarler - Stinger - The Bruiser - The Collector - The Entangler - The Immolator - The Smotherer - Wanderer
Hope's Junction - Stilledalen
Monster - Fog World - Otherworld - Paul Radcliffe - The Foundation - The Heralds - The Purifier - The Withering
Episodes - Story Branches - Cameos - Arcane Library - Soundtrack