Silent Hill Wiki
Silent Hill Wiki

The Purifier, also known as the Great Empath and the Pestilent, is a deity worshipped in the theology of the Foundation and the Heralds, both religious organizations appearing in Silent Hill: Ascension.


Despite being known primarily as the Purifier, Radcliffe's forbidden journal reveals that the deity in reality has a variety of names and interpretations. In the beliefs of the Foundation, the deity is interpreted as a benevolent being intent on cleansing the world of blight.

In contrast, the Heralds describe the Great Empath as a “majestic but terrible” being[1], who will free mankind from its anguish.


In Radcliffe, chapter seven, one of the Foundation's sacred documents, the Purifier is described as "cloaked in roots and vines".[2]


  • The creature known as the Entangler was speculated to be the Purifier by members of the Foundation, because it resembled the description in Radcliffe, chapter seven.

See also[]


  1. Silent Hill: Ascension Season 1 Episode 20 "Chapter 20"
  2. Silent Hill: Ascension Season 1 Episode 1 "Chapter 1: AMISS"
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Major Characters
Astrid Johansen - Brit Johansen - Eric Hernandez - Karl Johansen - Rachel Hernandez - Toby Cirelli - Xavier Candless
Other Characters
Aurora - Barbara - Eva Johansen - Faith Hernandez - Ingrid Johansen - Joy Cirelli - Krista Lee - Lejo Kant - Mette Dahl - Nils Grønbekk - Nora Jackson - Olivia Haugen - Orson Johansen - Zayn Davies
Crawler - Fighter - Hanger - Snarler - Stinger - The Bruiser - The Collector - The Entangler - The Immolator - The Smotherer - Wanderer
Hope's Junction - Stilledalen
Monster - Fog World - Otherworld - Paul Radcliffe - The Foundation - The Heralds - The Purifier - The Withering
Episodes - Story Branches - Cameos - Arcane Library - Soundtrack